Kelly Jo Brick: The Write Path With BETTER CALL SAUL’s Gordon Smith

A series of interviews with hard-working writers – by another hard-working writer!

by Kelly Jo Brick

Photo by Arnold Wells

Aspiring writers often wonder how the pros got where they are. The truth is, everyone’s story is different, but there are some common elements: dedication, persistence, hard work and not giving up.

Emmy-nominated writer Gordon Smith credits much of his career success to luck. A friend got his resume to BREAKING BAD just as they were looking for a PA. After landing that job, Gordon’s career grew from working as a writers’ PA and assistant to Vince Gilligan, to landing a position as a staff writer on BETTER CALL SAUL. Now a producer on BETTER CALL SAUL, Gordon signed an overall deal with Sony Pictures TV earlier this year.


Netflix Sends ‘Arrested Development’ Banana Stand on the Road


Looks like Netflix genuinely believes in this show. They’re taking ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT’s most recognizable icons out on the road.

Yeppers, “Bluth’s Original Frozen Banana” stand is touring the world. Well, the civilized part of the world. That is, the part of the world that’s most likely to have viewers who’ll go to Netflix.Com to see the show. read article

There’s Money In The Banana Stand (or so Netflix hopes…)

There are a lot of reasons I’ve been closely following the reboot of Arrested Development scheduled for 2013.  One of the big ones is seeing what will happen when Netflix picks up a show cancelled by a network and distributes new episodes (which they will also be doing with the short-lived Terra Nova).

All hail the Bluth family!

In keeping with the Dan Harmon theme of yesterweek, I’m very curious about the Power of Fandom in the internet age of television, and what it has achieved in this case. It’s not news that ratings are the dinosaur of television trend-telling, since people no longer rush home from their insurance-selling jobs to have a scotch and watch Happy Days (clearly what everyone did from 1950-1999).

The majority of viewers watch television whenever, wherever, and however they like. They may not even know when a show actually airs in real time. So, the new million dollar question on the table is how to tell what’s resonating with them and what isn’t, and once we know that, what we do about it. read article

“Best Cult TV Series Ever, according to “Entertainment Weekly”

EW Picks the Best Cult TV Series Ever. Here’s EW’s Top 10. In at No. 1 Is a British Import – by TeamTVWriter Press Service

Entertainment Weekly has published its choices for the best cult TV series ever. Counting from No. 10 to No. 1, here are EW’s choices. The only show that might be hard to place by some is EW’s choice for the No. 9 slot, “The Comeback.” It was only on one season — 2005 — on HBO and starred Lisa Kudrow. read article


If Ron Howard says so, it must be true. Right?

Ron Howard, Jason Bateman Celebrate Arrested Development‘s Return: ‘IT’S ALIVE!’
by Matt Webb Mitovich

At some point, you can stop pinching yourself. But until then, we’ll bask in any and all photos and tweets — such as these from executive producer/narrator Ron Howard and cast member Jason Bateman — that double-secret confirm the long, long-rumored return of Arrested Development. read article