In addition to writing and consulting with international production companies and television networks, Larry Brody also offers in-person and telephone coaching regarding both the business and creative sides of writing and producing as a media professional to interested, committed, and deserving individuals.
The fee for a one hour mentoring session relating to television, film, publishing or other media arts in general and/or a discussion of a specific project is $350.
If you need to plan overall career strategy, a package of 4 Weekly Coaching Sessions targeted in that specific direction is available for $1000.
NOTE: For the details about the 1-On-1 TV AND FILM WRITING CAREER COACHING, including methods of payment, Contact Larry Brody.
OUR LAWYERS MADE US DO IT DEPT: By their very nature, classes in writing require content creators to upload, attach, or otherwise present their original material so that it can be read by other class members, teachers, and teaching consultants. TVWriter.Com accepts no responsiblity or liability should this exposure result in any conflicts over intellectual property rights.
TV Writer University suggests: PROTECT YOURSELF by registering your material with a recognized intellectual property registration service.
Don’t just sit there. Write!