Writers Guild of America 2022 Awards

The Writers Guild of America Awards winners were announced a couple of nights in a virtual ceremony online. In case you missed it, here’s the skinny.

Oh, and yes, there are one Acme Ton of Winners and Nominees. Because we know how to take care of our own. read article

Nathan Bransford: How (and why) to personalize a query letter

Nathan Bransford gives us some soothing info about one of the most stressful situations known to the writing life – writing a properly helpful query letter, one that doesn’t get too personal but is indeed personal enough. Like so much of Nathan’s writing, this is pure gold.

by Nathan Bransford read article

Via Nathan Bransford: WHY to stop writing your novel

When Nathan Bransford offers writing or publishing advice, we listen…and advise  y’all (especially prose writers) to do the same. Today, his guest author, , gives us some super important info, namely, how to stop yourself from continuing to write in what could be a fatal (metaphorically only, of course) direction.

by read article

LB: Ken Levine vs. Network Sitcoms

by Larry Brody

Writer-producer-director Ken Levine, best known for his work on M*A*S*H* and Cheers, currently writes wonderful stageplays and what may well be the best TV writing oriented blog in the universe, …by Ken Levine – and, yes, I’m including TVWriter™ among his not quite as good competitors.

Today, Mr. Levine takes on “The current sad state of network sitcoms” and, as usual, hits the ball out of the park. If you love TV, writing, or comedy, and/or have a deep and abiding (or maybe even just a shallow) interest in showbiz itself, today’s post is a must-read.

Of specially importance is his conclusion, so I’m going to quote the entire last paragraph: read article

Nathan Bransford: How to format your novel when sending it out

Nathan Bransford brings us up to date on how to make our book projects appear as professional as possible to lit agents, publishers, and even editors. As far as this TVWriter™ minion is concerned, this article is pure gold.

Lovely as this is, it is not the preferred format for your ms

by Nathan Bransford

Proper formatting is by far the easiest thing you can do to make your book project appear as professional as possible to literary agents and the various professionals you will work with throughout the publication process. read article