Kelly Jo Brick: The Write Path With BETTER CALL SAUL’s Gordon Smith

A series of interviews with hard-working writers – by another hard-working writer!

by Kelly Jo Brick

Photo by Arnold Wells

Aspiring writers often wonder how the pros got where they are. The truth is, everyone’s story is different, but there are some common elements: dedication, persistence, hard work and not giving up.

Emmy-nominated writer Gordon Smith credits much of his career success to luck. A friend got his resume to BREAKING BAD just as they were looking for a PA. After landing that job, Gordon’s career grew from working as a writers’ PA and assistant to Vince Gilligan, to landing a position as a staff writer on BETTER CALL SAUL. Now a producer on BETTER CALL SAUL, Gordon signed an overall deal with Sony Pictures TV earlier this year.


Chris Carter Talks About Himself

…Also about THE X-FILES and the projects he’s been working on since. (You know, the ones that haven’t gotten very far but still manage to pay him well because that’s the difference between how an entry-level writer and a respected old pro fail. Well, that and the fact that the old pros have to go to a lot of meetings to get their checks while we entry-level types just sit in our bathrobes and play with our iPhones.)

Chris Carter Talks The Legacy of ‘The X-Files,’ Returning to TV and Why You Have to Read The Comments – by Daniel Carlson

Chris Carter is responsible for the nightmares of a generation. read article