Time for a writerly comic or two

Found at GoComics.Com.

by LB

Oh, and here’s a quote from one of my favorite network execs. (Okay, not so favorite an exec because he did indeed drive me crazily into the arms of a little pill called Xanax, but definitely a valued friend): read article

WGAW September, 2022 Calendar

A Public Service Announcement if ever there was one. Here’s what going on, socially and professionally, at the Writers Guild of America West this month:

September 2022

Until further notice, the Guild has suspended in-person committee meetings and events, member meetings, and screenings at the Writers Guild Theater. Virtual events are listed below. Members must RSVP in advance to receive access info to participate in online events. read article

WGAW August, 2022 Calendar

A Public Service Announcement if ever there was one. Here’s what going on, socially and professionally, at the Writers Guild of America West this month:

August 2022

Until further notice, the Guild has suspended in-person committee meetings and events, member meetings, and screenings at the Writers Guild Theater. Virtual events are listed below. Members must RSVP in advance to receive access info to participate in online events. read article

PJ McIlvaine’s Big Adventure in the City

PJ McIlvaine, the “Dragon Writer of Magical Things,” is one of our favorite people as well as the author of the best-selling VIOLET YORKE, GILDED GIRL: GHOSTS IN THE CLOSET, which we definitely recommend y’all immediately buy. Here’s the latest from her fine blog.

by PJ McIlvaine

You get these emails all the time. You know the ones.

“Dear Beneficiary,” read article

Albert Camus on How to Be Cool

NOTE FROM LB: When I was introduced to the concept of “cool,” back in Junior High, it came in two flavors.

There was Elvis Presley cool. And there was James Dean cool. All it took for me was one look at young Mr. Dean in Rebel Without A Cause, and I knew that was my future. It had to be. read article