LB: “Retirement Blues?”

by Larry Brody

I’m thinking that the heading on this post could also apply to this cartoon by Wiley:

Don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t apply to me, oh no, no. read article

Literary Devices Every Writer Should Know

Another infographic from one of my favorite sources,  Grammarcheck.Net boss lady Jennifer Frost. This time around it’s all about my high school English teacher’s favorite subject – literary devices.

Who knows? Maybe I might have understood what he was talking about if he’d illustrated it like this.

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LB: Yo, Novelists! Think Publishing via Kindle has Freed You?

by Larry Brody

Are you one of the many authors proudly self-publishing on Kindle? Merrily celebrating having cast aside the shackles of the big publishing houses and their creative, or maybe not-so-creative, demands?

It may behoove you to think again. Here’s how Parul Sehgal put it in The New Yorker for on October 25th: read article

LB: Are You Ready for More Cartoons About – shudder – Writers?

by Larry Brody

It’s Friday, and today’s treat is on me.

These cartoons definitely speak for themselves, but I’m giving them titles anyway. (I think it was Gene Roddenberry who taught me that.)

screenplay structure for beginners

by Ruben Bolling

The Fun & the fury of venn diagrams

Found on the interwebs. Creator unknown, alas!
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LB: The One Quality Every Writer Needs…

by Larry Brody

…Is self-discipline.

In fact, self-discipline is probably the one quality everybody needs, regardless of they’re chosen (or unchosen, for that matter) field of endeavor. read article