LB: Yo, Novelists! Think Publishing via Kindle has Freed You?

by Larry Brody

Are you one of the many authors proudly self-publishing on Kindle? Merrily celebrating having cast aside the shackles of the big publishing houses and their creative, or maybe not-so-creative, demands?

It may behoove you to think again. Here’s how Parul Sehgal put it in The New Yorker for on October 25th: read article

LB: Paul Krugman speaks ‘Of sandworms and social science’

pic from Warner Bros. & The New York Times

by Larry Brody

Paul Krugman isn’t someone whose name is associated with film/TV criticism, but he’s written a wonderful review of Dune calling it “…the Movie We Always Wanted” in the subscriber-only newsletter of none other than the illustrious New York Times that actually made Gwen and me ante up and watch the film.

Since the newsletter may not be accessible to all of you, I’ll quote the more salient points (defined as, “well, hey, they impressed me) here:

What makes “Dune” more than an ordinary space opera are two things: its subtlety and the richness of its world-building. read article

LB: Does Anyone Remember Laughter?

by Larry Brody

Heard in the TVWriter™ Online Writers Room (AKA the dedicated Zoom URL I use for my Master Classes):

I’m trying to watch as many of the new streaming sitcoms as I can, but there’s a problem. No matter how intelligent and clever they may be, instead of making me laugh, many of the shows upset me. read article

Stacey Jones: LOKI S01 E06 Review

NOTHING BUT SPOILERS (Because That’s How You Learn) #12
(Oh, and Just So You Know, This Sucker is the Longest Article TVWriter™ has Ever Published)
by Stacey Jones

EDITOR’S ALERT: This is the latest installment of Stacey Jones’ discussion of Loki and its place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Or is it the Marvel Televerse? The real universe, maybe? My mind, it be a’wondering.

Anyway, like it says in the title of this post, a world of SPOILERS awaits below the thin red line. Oh, and also an assumption that you’re familiar with the MCU! read article

Stacey Jones: LOKI S01 E05 Review

NOTHING BUT SPOILERS (Because That’s How You Learn) #11
by Stacey Jones

EDITOR’S ALERT: This is the latest installment of Stacey Jones’ discussion of Loki and its place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Or is it the Marvel Televerse? The real universe, maybe? My mind, it be a’wondering.

Anyway, like it says in the title of this post, a world of SPOILERS awaits below the thin red line. Oh, and also an assumption that you’re familiar with the MCU! read article