Peggy Bechko: What Every Writer Needs To Know About Rejection

NOTE FROM LB: One thing I’ve learned during my long (Yikes! Sooo long indeed!) career is that unlike other so-called verities, artistic truth is for all practical purposes eternal.

In this article from 2013, one of TVWriter™’s favorite writers and even more favorite human beings, Peggy Bechko, gives us a thoughtful lesson  we all need, in practical and creative truth.

Writers Dealing With Rejection
by Peggy Bechko

battle angelOkay, the truth hurts. The fact is no matter how good a writer you are, no matter how persistent and devoted to your writing, you’re going to receive rejections. read article

Peggy Bechko: Your Ugly What? – The Art And Craft of Writing (not to mention editing)

i.chzbgrby Peggy Bechko

“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.” Mark Twain

“It’s hard to take someone seriously when they leave you a note saying, ‘Your ugly.’ My ugly what?” Cara Lynn Shultz

Yep, they’ve noticed too! Seriously. I read. A lot. Have you been reading what’s out there? I admit I’m not perfect and mistakes slip past me too, but really…. read article

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Here they are, the most viewed TVWriter™ posts for the past week:

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TVWriter™ Top Posts for the Week Ending 11/8/13

Actor Rip Torn Attends Burglary And Gun Charges Hearing

Here they are, the most viewed TVWriter™ posts for the past week:

Peggy Bechko: “Anyone With an Internet Connection Isn’t Writing Good Fiction?” Wha–? read article

TVWriter™ Top Posts for the Week Ending 10/25/13


Here they are, the most viewed TVWriter™ posts for the past week:

Peggy Bechko: Name Those Characters – A Writer’s Puzzle read article