by Larry Brody


Time for a short post to wish you all the best holiday season possible. No, make that the best Holiday season ever. No, wait, let’s just make it THE BEST HOLIDAY SEASON!!!

It’s been a rough year for all of us. Here’s hoping we’ve reached the turning point and that 2021 will be the best year of the century so far. read article

Diana Black: Happiness amid Sorrow, Gloom and Mass Hysteria

by Diana Black

Death, oppression and panic invariably lead to gloom and depression – economic and personal.

Over the last 100 years or so, we’ve had WWI (1914), Spanish Influenza (1918), The Great Depression (1929), WWII (1939), Round One of the Corona viruses – SARS – CoV (2003), the GFC (2008) then Round Two – MERS – CoV (2012), and now Round Three – COVID -19… read article


by Larry Brody


Time for a short post to wish you all the best holiday season possible. No, make that the best Holiday season ever. No, wait, let’s just make it THE BEST HOLIDAY SEASON!!! read article

Love & Money Dept – TV Biz Happenings of the Week Ending July 22

TOSHIBA Exif JPEGLatest News About Writers & Other Mostly Living Things That Are Doing Better Than We Are
by munchman

Uh-oh. Last week’s return of yer friendly neighborhood munchman’s formerly adored column, Love & Money, tanked even worse than Katherine Heigl’s new Netflix series will if it ever actually makes it to the air.

We know why nobody wants to see Ms. Heigl’s next project. It’s the same reason nobody wanted to see her previous failures – nobody fucking can stand her onscreen persona.

But this is me, Timothy Tyler Muncher my very, very, very loved self. How in the name of all that’s holy, unholy, and whatever’s in between did last week’s launching get exactly one (1!) recorded view between last Thursday and yesterday? read article

Love & Money Dept – TV Biz Happenings for the Week of July 15th

TOSHIBA Exif JPEGLatest News About Writers & Other Mostly Living Things That Are Doing Better Than We Are
by Munchman

Whoa, first Love & Money since 2015. How time flies when you’re scaling the ladder to sucksess. Mama told me there’d be decades like this, but the Evil Angel of Ambition wouldn’t let yer friendly neighborhood munchero fly toward the light.

Well, wtf, this little muncher is still alive, well, and getting into as much trouble as possible. Now if only that $$$-grasping old gomer who calls himself LB would loosen his hold on the Amex Black Card he pretends he isn’t carrying and pay me now and then, all would be almost right in this world.

So. Onward and upward…and downward too. We shouldn’t go in that last direction because it’s the kind of commentary that attracts lawyers just when you need them least – i.e. most of the time – but munchacockaderio here always had a soft spot for being slapped in the head. read article