That’s it for now, munchaladas. Let us know in the comments if you think you’ve figured out who the blind item is about and/or what the TV and film projects are. And don’t forget to write in and tell yers truly what you’ve sold when you sell it. Cuz TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)
Tag: latest hot writing deals
Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 12/18/14
That’s it for now, munchaladas. Let us know in the comments if you think you’ve figured out who the blind item is about and/or what the TV and film projects are. And don’t forget to write in and tell yers truly what you’ve sold when you sell it. Cuz TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)
Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 11/30/14
That’s it. Time now for a little time off from the ordeal that seeing all these others writers have so many more opportunities and make so much more money than moi. Maybe I’ll work on my spec pilot, the one that I’m not being paid one single penny for and which most likely won’t end up on any known network or cable channel. And certainly won’t get my name in the Love & Money column unless I stick it in there myself.
Mmm, that sounds pretty sweet, actually. Keep your eyes open, lovely readers, cuz I’ll give a gift to the first person who comments and tellz me which upcoming listing is mine. for now. And don’t forget to write in and tell munchilito what you’ve sold when you sell it. Cuz TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)
Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 11/27/14
That’s it for now. Happy Thanksgiving and don’t forget to write in and tell munchilito what you’ve sold today. TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)
Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 11/26/14
That’s it for now. Write in and tell munchilito what you’ve sold today. TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)