Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 12/21/14


Latest News About Writers Who Are Doing Better Than We Are=&0=& (STRIKE BACK) is developing a 13-part version of BEOWULF for ITV. (Cuz the UK wants its own GAME OF THRONES? Well, why not? Especially cuz yer friendly neighborhood muncher isn’t afraid to say that the source material for this one is a probably gobs better. Although shorter. But that short thing is about to change.) Russell T. Davies (DOCTOR WHO) is developing two new series for Logo TV and the UK’s Channel 4. “CUCUMBER and BANANA are interwoven drama series that explore 21st century gay life through the lens of two disparate generations.” (I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that you don’t have to be gay to watch – and probably love – these shows. You just have to be somebody who cares about people, period. Cuz RTD is, simply, one of the best writers UK TV has ever produced. And when you look at the writers and the shows that have been on the air their over the years, that’s way high praise. Especially from a snarky little munchman like moi, no?)

That’s it for now, munchaladas. Let us know in the comments if you think you’ve figured out who the blind item is about and/or what the TV and film projects are. And don’t forget to write in and tell yers truly what you’ve sold when you sell it. Cuz TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)

Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 12/18/14


Latest News About Writers Who Are Doing Better Than We Are=&0=& (RESCUE ME) is said to be hooking up with George Clooney for a”one-hour dark comedy…[which] will reportedly explore the movie business during the early 1990s.” (Or maybe my source said Peter and George Clooney were just hooking up, period. Who woulda thought that a little oregano could have such a big effect on short term memory? Certainly not moi.) Holy crap! Munchadero here just got a tip from a reliable source (What? You don’t trust a recently fired P.A.?) that the married showrunner of my favorite series currently on the air and scheduled to remain on for the foreseeable future just wrote a drama screenplay that will catapult the equally married co-star of the series to film stardom…and at the same time launch both parties into a public relationship that may do wonders for their careers but definitely will destroy their current relationships. Shades of Nikke Fink! (And, yeppers, all the language I just used is designed to give clues/hints to readers who like that sort of thing. Munchikins, of course, finds blind gossip vile, but, hey, this is showbiz and whoring is part of the gig, am I right?)

That’s it for now, munchaladas. Let us know in the comments if you think you’ve figured out who the blind item is about and/or what the TV and film projects are. And don’t forget to write in and tell yers truly what you’ve sold when you sell it. Cuz TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)

Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 11/30/14


Latest News About Writers Who Are Doing Better Than We Are=&0=& (WHILE YOU WERE HERE) is writing the pilot for an ABC series based on Tre Miller-Rodriguez‘s memoir Splitting the Difference, about a 30something widow who reunites with the daughter she gave up at 18. (But lookee here. Turns out they changed the mother’s age to 36 and made the daughter 17. That’s the kinda difference you can expect from the geniuses who work in TV development, not just in the good ole USA but anywhere in the world. This little muncher can hardly wait to see the exciting and of course perceptive notes they give Kat down the line.) Thania St. John (COVERT AFFAIRS) is also adapting an existing work. This one, COBB: OFF THE LEASH, is based on Beau Smith‘s comic book series about “a top-ranking Secret Service agent whose life gets turned upside down when he is removed from active duty after stumbling onto a deadly conspiracy at the highest global level.” (Wouldn’t you like to just once see a series about a Secret Service agent who isn’t “top ranking.” Or, even better, one who deliberately and efficiently tracks down a big deal conspiracy instead of finding it by accident? Yeppers, kids, me too!)

That’s it. Time now for a little time off from the ordeal that seeing all these others writers have so many more opportunities and make so much more money than moi. Maybe I’ll work on my spec pilot, the one that I’m not being paid one single penny for and which most likely won’t end up on any known network or cable channel. And certainly won’t get my name in the Love & Money column unless I stick it in there myself.

Mmm, that sounds pretty sweet, actually. Keep your eyes open, lovely readers, cuz I’ll give a gift to the first person who comments and tellz me which upcoming listing is mine. for now. And don’t forget to write in and tell munchilito what you’ve sold when you sell it. Cuz TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)

Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 11/27/14


Latest News About Writers Who Are Doing Better Than We Are=&0=& (MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE) are joining forces to adapt Rob’s comic strip Jump Start into a comedy for Fox. (I don’t read the script, so I don’t have much to say here except – another comic adaptation? I hope it’ll be awesome, but still….) =&1=& (RAIN MAN) and Vince Gerardis (GAME OF THRONES) are co-writing the pilot for ICE, a DirecTV drama pilot about “the treacherous and colorful world of diamond traders in downtown L.A.” (Ooh, downtown L.A.! Dudes in an office, stealing and shooting each other. Yer Obedient munchhausen can hardly wait!) =&2=& (THE MINDY PROJECT) is writing the pilot for 48 HOURS UNTIL MONDAY, a Fox comedy about “one husband’s desperate struggle to not let every weekend go completely to hell. (Yeppers, I’m totally hooked by this premise even though I’m not married. Cuz…married friends – who’ve  taught me more about desperation than I ever dreamed a human being had to know.) =&3=& (BACHELORETTE) is writing the pilot for an untitled NBC comedy about “a failed political blogger who restarts her life in New York as the ‘sex’ editor for” a Cosmo style print magazine. (To which I can add nothing except the absolute, honest truth – I guarantee that after I finish writing today’s column and rush to my turkey dinner I’m never ever going to think about this premise again. Just ain’t feelin’ it, y’know? Did I sound like a TV development exec turning down a pitch there? Huh? I don’t really feel that way, but I’m practicing just in case a gig I interviewed for comes to be.)

That’s it for now. Happy Thanksgiving and don’t forget to write in and tell munchilito what you’ve sold today. TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)

Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 11/26/14


Latest News About Writers Who Are Doing Better Than We Are=&0=& (SLEEPY HOLLOW) and Scott Rosenbaum (GANG RELATED) are teaming up to write a science fiction pilot described as “The Dirty Dozen in deep space? for Fox. (Which as old-fashioned as it sounds still seems kinda catchy to el munchero. Besides, this is a new and original idea compared to the oft-written but never shot pilots that described th emselves as “The Magnificent Seven in deep space.” I’m hopeful. For reals.) =&1=& (FELICITY) are developing a “relationship comedy” for ABC about the lies being told at a wedding. (Hey, if you think the premise is unworkable, wait’ll you see who’s running the production of this thing: Shonda Rimes. How long do you give it before the comedy turns to soap? I’m thinking two episodes, but then I’m an optimist at heart.) Neil Cross (LUTHER) is doing a U.S. remake of the series for Fox. (No, Idris Elba won’t star – or so he says. Instead he’ll be a producer cuz that’s, you know, where his real talent lies…?) =&2=& (MEET THE PARENTS) is going into the TV development biz with an overall deal at Fox. (And my munchiness is jumping up and down with excitement cuz…ZOOLANDER! Yeppers, John co-wrote that. And…I know the guy. All I’ve gotta do is butter him up a bit and a staff job is mine, all mine, mine I say! Hehehehehehehehe…Or not.)

That’s it for now. Write in and tell munchilito what you’ve sold today. TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)