10 Most Viewed TVWriter™ Posts of the Week – May 13, 2019

Happy Monday everybody!

Hope you’ve had a great weekend. Time now for TVWriter™’s latest look at our most popular blog posts and resource pages during the week ending yesterday. They are, in order:

How To Write The Perfect TV Series Review To Captivate Your Readers

Writing the Dreaded Outline

‘The Following’ Season 4 was Cancelled by Fox Because the TV Series Became a Victim of Lazy Writing!

PEOPLE’S PILOT Writing Contest


8 Tips for Writing for Children’s TV Shows

How to Write a Script for an Animated Show

Corporal Punishment and Primetime TV

The Outline/Story

Looking for TV Pilot Scripts?

Big thanks to everybody for helping us have another terrific week at TVWriter™. Don’t forget to click above and read what you missed and re-read what you loved!

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