by Kathryn Graham
LB’S NOTE: Kathryn Graham is one of the bravest and most outspoken human beings we know, as well as a TVWriter™ Contributing Editor. It’s been way too long since we heard from her, but we’re certainly glad to see her here today. Find out more about Kate HERE

If I ever finish a book, you’re gonna see a cast of mostly if not exclusively queer women.
I’m not going to let anyone convince me that’s not “realistic” and even if it isn’t, I don’t give a single solitary damn.
I could write nothing but books filled with dozens of queer women for the rest of my short life and never get close to the number of straight dudes in the fiction compendium (including a huge number of stories that are nothing but this and a lone woman – still, yes, still.)
Most writers aren’t out there catering to my wants and my needs. Not even close. So I’m making my worlds for me. I won’t change anything so that the majority feel included. They have *literally everything everyday* for that.
I do have a unique perspective on this, and the world has tried to force me to accept “the way things are” my entire life. I think the status quo is a mixture of bonkers, depressing, and infuriating.
I don’t have to represent that “reality” someone else built in my own worlds. My writing is my sanctuary. The one place I can escape. So I’m not catering to anyone but me.
No more.