A Message from TVWriter™’s First Contributing Editor, Herbie J Pilato

by Herbie J Pilato

Last Friday was the official pub-date of my new book, MARY: THE MARY TYLER MOORE STORY, on the 2nd Anniversary of Mary’s passing.

Below are two excerpts of the book; one from the Television Academy and Emmys.com; the other in Closer Magazine.

And on the left is a photo expressing my utter delight of seeing this book come into being.

I hope you enjoy the pic and the excerpts.

With my smile,

Herbie J

The Television Academy/Emmys.com excerpt of MARY

The Closer Magazine excerpt of MARY

NOTE FROM LB: On the not-so-off chance you’d like to buy Herbie’s great new read, is available at Amazon.Com, RIGHT HERE

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