Grant Snider Wants Us to Know about His Latest Book

…And we’re down with that. Here’s what he has to say about There is a Rainbow.

by Grant Snider

My new book THERE IS A RAINBOW is [now] out. It’s a story of hope during the pandemic. School Library Journal called it “the perfect pandemic book…the book we need, the message we deserve.” read article

Cartoon: Holiday Reading

TVWriter™’s all-time favorite artist/philosopher, Grant Snider, shares his Christmas reading list, for which we all should be very grateful.

Thank you, brilliant sir!

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Cartoon: Leaves

Think optimism is dead? TVWriter™’s all-time favorite artist/philosopher, Grant Snider, begs to differ.

Here’s another example of Grant’s wonderful worldview.

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Cartoon: Overthinking

Today is our Beloved Leader Larry Brody’s birthday. He isn’t telling us exactly how old he is, but the crazy sonuvabitch has been active in the TV biz for 6 decades, so you know we’re talking about at least a few eons here, you know?

Another thing LB isn’t telling us is how he’s going to celebrate the fact that he’s still breathing, but we’re pretty sure of at least one thing he isn’t going to do – make any of the mistakes in the fine cartoon by artist/philosopher Grant Snider below.

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Grant Snider’s Latest Achievement – A Children’s Book for Us All

Not all that long ago, we told you that our fave philosopher-cartoonist, Grant Snider, had written his first children’s book and that it was available for pre-order.

Now we’re here to tell you to forget the pre-ordering stuff. What Color is Night is out and about for all our reading pleasure (yep, even including that of children).

Here’s what Mr. Snider his very self has to say: read article