Stream ‘Doctor Who’ Audio Dramas – Free!!!

If you’re a Doctor Who fan – of any Doctor and from any era of the show – you’ve probably heard of the various audio drama versions of the series put out by the company Big Finish, but you haven’t actually listened to any of them.

Now, thanks to Redditor electricmastro, who got it from dudles78 of Gallifrey Base you and I and everyone else who is interested can now stream the following Big Finish episodes legally via Spotify. (And also Google Play, but the links below are from Spotify).

Here’s the very helpful – oh, hell, to this TVWriter™ minion very exciting – post:

Dozens of stories have been put out for free, legal streaming on Spotify. Thanks to dudles78 on GallifreyBase for pointing this out:

Main Range:

  1. The Sirens of Time
  2. Phantasmagoria
  3. Whispers of Terror
  4. The Land of the Dead
  5. The Fearmonger
  6. The Marian Conspiracy
  7. The Genocide Machine
  8. Red Dawn
  9. The Spectre of Lanyon Moor
  10. Winter for the Adept
  11. The Apocalypse Element
  12. The Fires of Vulcan
  13. The Shadow of the Scourge
  14. The Holy Terror
  15. The Mutant Phase
  16. Storm Warning
  17. Sword of Orion
  18. The Stones of Venice
  19. Minuet in Hell
  20. Loups-Garoux
  21. Dust Breeding
  22. Bloodtide
  23. Project: Twilight
  24. The Eye of the Scorpion
  25. Colditz
  26. Primeval
  27. The One Doctor
  28. Invaders from Mars
  29. The Chimes of Midnight
  30. Seasons of Fear
  31. Embrace the Darkness
  32. The Time of the Daleks
  33. Neverland
  34. Spare Parts
  35. …ish
  36. The Rapture
  37. The Sandman
  38. The Church and the Crown
  39. Bang-Bang-a-Boom!
  40. Jubilee
  41. Nekromanteia
  42. The Dark Flame
  43. Doctor Who and the Pirates
  44. Creatures of Beauty
  45. Project: Lazarus
  46. Flip-Flop
  47. Omega
  48. Davros
  49. Master
  50. Zagreus

Special Releases:

UNIT: Dominion

The Davros Mission

Fourth Doctor Adventures:


  1. Innocence
  2. Purity
  3. Corruption
  4. Guilt


1.1 Scorpius

1.2 Fear

1.3 Conversion

1.4 Telos

2.0 Cyberman 2


See the entire list on Reddit

Check out Big Finish

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