This week’s collection of recent articles from other websites about TV, TV writing, TV biz, etc., etc. is as diverse as its disparate origins can make it.
As usual, the plan here is for you to click on the headlines over the excerpts below and visit the site to read the posts in full…and if anybody asks, tell ’em TVWriter™ sentcha, okay?
TV Is Using Social Media Poorly, But We Have Ideas</>
by Steve Safran
As we look at the fall TV season, one thing is clear: The networks are largely failing at using social media to promote their shows and to interact with their audiences. Social media is a critical tool, especially for new shows hoping to find an audience. But very few programs are going beyond the bare minimum of having a modest social media presence. That’s not enough….
Writing the Next Chapter in Cuba’s Television History
by James O’Neal
Television broadcasting is nothing new here; actually it dates back to the time of the big post-World War II U.S. TV launch. Two Havana stations took to the air in the fall of 1950 and additional stations soon followed, providing coverage to most of this island nation. And just as in the States, national networks were established and eventually color television became a reality….