munchman: The #1 Most Important Editing Tip for New Writers

by munchman

Yer friendly neighborhood munchamaniac has been munching on some bad news that arrived at the munch launch pad yesterday, by which yrs truly means the 24th stupid, dumb, & sosososo aggravating rejection of my someday Oscar or Emmy or Bafta (but never Golden Globes ‘cuz screw them) winning script that shall be nameless (titleless?) for the moment, & has come to the conclusion that said rejection is the product of a conspiracy by the secret rulers of the TV & film writing universe, AKA the sons & daughters of Satan known as gatekeepers!

What else could a note like this mean:

This screenplay may be a masterpiece, but I will never know because it is so riddled with format errors and typos that it’s unreadable.

In other words, fellow strugglers, can any of you suggest a reliable  & affordable proofreader?


yer friendly nabe munchman

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