Peter Lefcourt, or as LB puts it, “a name to conjure with!” Yeah, baby.

by TVWriter™ Press Service

Last weekend, The Death and Life of Mary Jo Kopechne, a new play by Peter Lefcourt, opened at the Odyssey Theater in L.A., where it will play weekends until August 12th.

You may know Mr. Lefcourt from his television writing and production work for various series including Cagney & Lacey, Remington Steele, and Desperate Housewives. If so, you’ll understand why TVWriter™ is unreservedly recommending you hie thyselves to the theater and enjoy this fine new example of Peter’s work.

In Mr. Lefcourt’s own words:

Mary Jo Kopechne is remembered – if she is remembered at all – as “the girl in the car with Ted Kennedy at Chappaquiddick.”  She is a victim not only of the car accident that killed her but of the anonymity bestowed on a bit player in a major historical event.

Over the years I have found myself wondering just who this young woman was and what she would have done with her life had she not taken a ride with a United States senator who’d had too much to drink.

I have always felt that she deserves more dimension than a few paragraphs in Wikipedia and a faded black-and-white graduation photo can provide.

This play is an attempt to give her a voice and to restore to her, if only posthumously, the life that was so abruptly taken from her.

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