Doctor Who: In A Word

Do you know Keith Kelly Topping? We here at TVWriter™ firmly believe you should. He’s the UK’s Munchman – except that Keith very likely was first and definitely is more prolific.

In other words, we’re talking about one of our absolute favorite bloggers, a master of all he discusses…which is pretty much everything related to showbiz and politics in the UK. What we love about Keith most, though, is the way his blog, From the North, unabashedly proclaims his unqualified, overwhelming love for a little series you may have heard of called Doctor Who.

How much does he love Doctor Who? We would be glad to count the ways, but King Keith already has done so. Literally. Like so:

Doctor Who: In A Word (Parts One To Ninety One)
by Keith Tell Topping

Between now and Christmas (or, whenever this blogger finish, anyway) yer actual Keith Telly Topping his very self shall be reviewing every single Doctor Who story – all two hundred and seventy five(ish) of them – using just one appropriate adjective for each. Or one verb if Keith Telly Topping can’t think of an adjective. Or, one noun if Keith Telly Topping can’t think of a verb. You feel me? So, without further ado, dear blog readers …

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See the rest of this, the first batch of “Doctor Who: In A Word” on Keith Telly Toppings’ From the North blog HERE

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