Bri Castellini: How My ‘Burn Notice’ Podcast Made Me a Better TV Writer

TVWriter™ fave indie filmmaker, Bri Castellini, has turned her talents to several creative arenas, and she has impressed us every time. It’s with true joy that we present this article on her ongoing  – highly successful – experience with podcasting.

by Bri Castellini

We started “Burn, Noticed,” a weekly rewatch podcast for the late 00’s USA television show “Burn Notice,” as a joke. I tweeted the title of what is now a two-year-old show spanning 73 episodes because the concept of a podcast about “Burn Notice” was funny enough to me, let alone a “Burn Notice” recap podcast called Burn, Noticed. read article

Promoting Your Kickstarter

By Bob Tinsley

My Kickstarter funded! I’m a happy camper. Here are some of the things I learned.

Yes, you must promote your Kickstarter, otherwise it will sit there with your mom’s $5 languishing alone until your campaign goes down to ignominious failure. Yeah, I know I just kicked your dog and rubbed your cat’s fur the wrong way, but the truth’s the truth. read article

Looking to start your own podcast but don’t know where to host it?

Regular TVWriter™ visitors know we’re big believers in fiction podcasts,and we’re always encouraging our audience members to start their own.

One of the first questions on the subject that we’re asked is along these lines. “I know there’s a huge audience out there, but how do I reach it?” The answer, in a nutshell is, “Read this.”

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How coronavirus is changing podcast listening

The article below fascinates us because of the way it waves and wiggles and uses language in a most effective way to make the stats, erm, come alive.

Genius. Sheer genius.

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Is The Word “Podcast” Holding You Back?

“Podcasting” (the word) and the power of…words

LB’S NOTE: TVWriter™ ‘s illustrious audio fiction/podcast fiction expert Bob Tinsley, brings up an interesting point. I’d label this as “Yet another thing to think about at 3 a.m., but, yeah it definitely needs some sorting out. Thanks, dood!

by Bob Tinsley

Bottom Line Up Front: I think it’s high time the words “audio fiction” and “podcast” got a divorce.

I have it on good authority that most Hollywood pros have: a) only a vague notion of what a podcast is, and b) in light of “a,” want nothing to do with them. read article