Regular TVWriter™ visitors know we’re big believers in fiction podcasts,and we’re always encouraging our audience members to start their own.
One of the first questions on the subject that we’re asked is along these lines. “I know there’s a huge audience out there, but how do I reach it?” The answer, in a nutshell is, “Read this.”
18+ Best Podcast Hosting Sites 2020 – Fresh & Trendy
by Eduard Klein
Currently, over 700,000 active podcasts are available to listeners with more than 29 million episodes – only a year ago at WWDC 2018, these numbers were a lot lower at 55,000 and 18.5 million, respectively.
It’s evident that podcasts are rising in popularity – but is your business poised and ready to take advantage of this opportunity?
Young people, i.e. 18 to 44-year-olds, make up 67% of the global audience, and it’s also no surprise that most podcast listeners are wealthier and more educated.
Why is that?
Well, according to social media guru Gary Vaynerchuk, “Audio and voice are by far the most natural interface for humans to interact.”
Simply put, podcasts inform, educate and entertain, and that too on demand. And due to the different shows, you can find plenty of options to help you learn something new while being entertained.
For example, if you are an entrepreneur, there are several podcasts out there about small business finance, affordable marketing and even advice on taxation that applies to you.
As such, podcasts tackle different topics in-depth, something you cannot get from a news story, a magazine, a TV show, or even a radio program. These also offer unprecedented convenience because you can listen to them whenever you want; save up episodes for when you are going on a long journey and pause the podcast halfway through to pick up again later.
So, if you are thinking about starting a podcast for your business, you aren’t alone. After all, it is a more personal and, therefore, a more effective method of reaching out to new potential customers.
Once you have recorded the first episode of your podcast, you will have to publish it on the web for listeners. But you can’t upload it just anywhere – these can only be published on special platforms.
That’s why we’ve put together this guide to the best podcast hosting services for 2020; one of which is right for you!
What Is Podcast Hosting And Who Needs It?
A podcast hosting platform provides you everything you need to host the audio file and create an RSS feed for your podcast channel.
In other words, it’s a home for your podcast.
It will neatly arrange all the episodes of your podcast and even distribute these to directories such as Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, etc.
A hosting platform will not only upload and store your audio files but also carefully monitor impressions, social interaction and audience insights….