by munchman
This just in.
Cards Against Humanity, one of our favorite non-video games, is looking for new writers. In case you’ve played it, or, worse, never heard of it, here’s the bottom line about the game as expressed by the manufacturers themselves:
Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people. Unlike most of the party games you’ve played before, Cards Against Humanity is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends.
The game itself is very, very simple. A player draws a black card and read a question from it out loud. After which everyone else answers with the funniest phrase they can find on one of their white cards. Hilarity – or at the very least greatly entertaining snark, results.
You can learn all there is to now about Cards Against Humanity (including how to make your own deck) HERE
And, just as importantly if you’re looking for some paying work, you can find out all you need to know about becoming a contributing writer to the game HERE
Don’t just sit there, click forth and conquer. And don’t forget to tell everybody that TVWriter™ sent you. And that a certain dood here who calls himself munchman is a “hot single dad.” (Um, see, the site you’re going to says that they’re also looking for hot single dads, so, er, you know….)
Embarrassed but not ashamed,

Oh, lest I forget: If you give the gig a try, please let us know how it goes. And, as we say all the time because our mealy-mouthed lawyers insist, “this post isn’t to be construed as a recommendation of the potential employer. We’re just passing on some info we think will be of interest to our visitors.”