Writing Gig Op: How-To Geek Is Hiring a Full-Time Tech Editor-Writer

From howtogeek.com:

We are currently hiring a full-time editor to work with freelance tech writers, edit articles before publication, and write some of their own awesome pieces for How-To Geek.  Want to throw your hat in the ring? Then read on to find out more!

How-To Geek Is Hiring a Full-Time Editor and Writer (howtogeek.com)

Yes, we recognize that it’s not a showbiz gig, and it doesn’t even get you to L.A. to do the networking thing either. But it’s about writing! Full-time! And the whole thing’s remote! (Which to the way of thinking of certain TVWriter™ minions, is even better than being in the eye of the H’wood storm.) read article

Writing Gig Op: How-To Geek Is Hiring a Full-Time News Editor and Writer

From howtogeek.com:

We are currently hiring a full-time news editor and writer to stay on top of the latest technology news that maters and share it with our readers, in How-To Geek style of course. Want to throw your hat in the ring? Then read on and find out more!

Check it out here

Yes, we recognize that it’s not a showbiz gig, and it doesn’t even get you to L.A. to do the networking thing either. But it’s about writing! Full-time! And the whole thing’s remote! (Which to the way of thinking of certain TVWriter™ minions, is even better than being in the eye of the H’wood storm.) read article

Writing Gigs: KTLA is Looking for a Part Time Newswriter

Here’s a gig that seems interesting at LA’s very own KTLA. Worth a look?



Los Angeles, CA read article

Writing Gigs: Meanwhile, On the Showbiz Job Front…

LB’S NOTE: Ran across this job listing, along with 100s more nationwide, last weekend at EntertainmentCareers. I didn’t have the  necessary qualifications (starting with not looking for a job), but your mileage may vary.

Please remember: This isn’t a recommendation for the gig or the site. But if you respond to the ad, let me know what and how it all goes down. read article

Writing Gig: How-To Geek Is Looking for a Remote Full-Time Technology Writer

It ain’t TV, but it’s a genuine writing gig that you can tell your friends and family about if you get it.

EDITOR’S NOTE: We aren’t recommending or guaranteeing this job, just letting you know it’s available. (Our lawyers made us say that.)

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