MUNCHMAN’S NOTE: I’m editing TVWriter™ this weekend, about which I’ll post more later. Meanwhile, don’t worry, I promise not to change this sacred column. Besides, why would I? It’s all cut-and-paste anyway, and I’d be even crazier than some people say I am if I tried to give myself more week. As for the rest of today’s and tomorrow’s posts,well, that might be another matter….
Here they are, the most viewed TVWriter™ posts during the past week:
TV Writing Master Class from HELIX Showrunner
Peggy Bechko: Writing, Solitude, and Us (Writers)
Peggy Bechko: Creating a Flat, Two-Dimensional Villain
And our most viewed resource pages were:
Big thanks to everyone for making this such a great week, and don’t forget to read what you missed, re-read what you loved, and, most importantly, come back for more soon! (Um, real soon, okay, cuz I want to show how much better I can do this gig than, heh, well, you know….)