Kelly Jo Brick: The Write Path With Image Award Winner Sterling Anderson

A series of interviews with hard-working writers – by another hard-working writer!
by Kelly Jo Brick

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Aspiring writers often wonder how the pros got where they are. The truth is, everyone’s story is different, but there are some common elements: dedication, persistence and hard work.

From a start as a wine and food critic to becoming an Emmy-nominated writer, Sterling Anderson’s dedication and drive led him to being an author, writing one of the most highly rated TV movies ever (CBS’s THE SIMPLE LIFE OF NOAH DEARBORN, starring Sidney Poitier), as well as writing for The Unit, Medium and writing screenplays for Disney, HBO and Columbia Pictures. read article

CBS Joining Forces with Hulu

For those who can’t get enough of CBS’s tired old “for over 40s only programming,” the network and Hulu have announced a licensing agreement which will allow Hulu Plus subscribers to stream thousands of episodes of series like MEDIUM, NUMB3RS, CSI: MIAMI, STAR TREK, I LOVE LUCY, TWILIGHT ZONE, and mucho mas.

According to Andy Forssell, Senior V.P. of Content for Hulu, ““CBS has a long history of producing truly great TV. Hulu Plus subscribers are entertainment lovers who spend their time watching shows they love, versus shows they might only just like.  Those two facts make for a fantastic combination, because this collection of CBS titles are shows that people revere and that really matter to fans of great TV like our subscribers.”

You’re right, Andy, absolutely. Us crazy, web surfing CBS lovin’ kids just can’t wait to see shows that were old before our parents were born…especially shows like, oh, MEDIUM, NUMB3RS, CSI: MIAMI, STAR TREK, I LOVE LUCY, and TWILIGHT ZONE that we can get, and have gotten, for free in a thousand and one other places. read article