Kelly Jo Brick: The Write Path With Image Award Winner Sterling Anderson

A series of interviews with hard-working writers – by another hard-working writer!
by Kelly Jo Brick

sterling pic

Aspiring writers often wonder how the pros got where they are. The truth is, everyone’s story is different, but there are some common elements: dedication, persistence and hard work.

From a start as a wine and food critic to becoming an Emmy-nominated writer, Sterling Anderson’s dedication and drive led him to being an author, writing one of the most highly rated TV movies ever (CBS’s THE SIMPLE LIFE OF NOAH DEARBORN, starring Sidney Poitier), as well as writing for The Unit, Medium and writing screenplays for Disney, HBO and Columbia Pictures. read article

Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 12/26/13

Latest News About Writers Who Are Doing Better Than We Are=&0=& (COVERT AFFAIRS) is developing a TNT drama series called SIX about “the aftermath of a Category 6 tornado that obliterates the majority of a small Kansas town and unearths years of horrific secrets.” But it’ll undoubtedly leave out the most horrific secret of all: How the hell TNT ever bought this.) Eoghan O’Donnell (TEEN WOLF) is writing the pilot for THE MESSENGERS, a CW science fiction series about people who turn into “angels of the coming Apocalypse.” (Teenage angels, we bet cuz…the CW.) Ligiah Villalobos (she’s a household word in our house) is writing an NBC pilot for LOTERIA, a Spanish-language series about in-fighting in a wealthy Mexican-American family. (We’re thinking that the purpose of this show is to make all non-wealthy Mexican-Americans – and anybody else who watches but isn’t a zillionaire – feel like caca, but what do we know?)

HAVE GUN – WILL TRAVEL…by David Mamet?

Oh hell, why not? After all, he’s David Mamet, and if you’re familiar with the protagonist of the old series, known only as Paladin, and with David, hey, they certainly talk the same. (Although to hear Richard Boone, who starred in the original version back the prehistoric ’50s and ’60s, it was thewalk that made the character. Really, that’s what he said to our very own LB.)

CBS, David Mamet Developing ‘Have Gun – Will Travel’ Reboot by Lacey Rose read article