by Larry Brody
I’ve just been reminded (thank you, J.R.) that many of this site’s visitors come here every Monday just to read the Brodys’ adventures/misadventures on our Arkansas property, Cloud Creek Ranch. For which, natch, I give Big Thanks.
That reminder, however, was also J.R.’s way of saying that because the intended audience here is for the most part writers of one type or another, not every visitor understands why I call my co-star Gwen the Beautiful.
In other words, they haven’t seen her. So, although this probably will infuriate my lady love, I’m remedying that situation right now.
Say hi to the beautiful dreamer above, exactly as she was in our country livin’ days, in fact, in the very year in which today’s installment of “Live! From Paradise!” was originally published.
G the B is the reason Cloud Creek, and every other place we’ve lived and are living, was, is, and always will be Paradise to me.
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