by munchman
Like our Beloved Leader, LB, I’m smitten by Netflix’s BOJACK HORSEMAN series, which has just been picked up for a third season of heavy truth-telling, inventive visual puns, tragedy, and even a little humor.
Wait. Truth to tell, the show is funny as hell if you’re the kinda person who enjoys seeing other people’s deepest, most hidden fears come roaring to the surface to confront well-placed banana peels that you yourself aren’t tripping on.
- Best depiction of Hollywood people, places, situations and general, all-round life ever. Let me repeat: Ever.
- In case you aren’t getting it, BOJACK could also be the best written “sitcom” currently in production. Wait, forget the “could be.” It fucking is.
- Terrific voice acting by a host of luminaries. Munchalito’s fave, of course, is Margo Martindale, who plays Unsung Supporting Actress Margo Martindale.
- This is one of those shows where Netflix releases every episode at once each season, plus it’s only twenty-something minutes long, which means it’s perfect for binge-watching.
- Nada.
- More Nada.
- Still Nada.
- Yer munchikins identifies with every single moment of every episode of BOJACK HORSEMAN, but I get an extra good feeling when I see the character of Todd sacked out on Bojack’s couch as a permanent house guest. Reminds me of when I used to crash at LB’s house in the late ’90s. Good times!
Goddammit, you know what the conclusion’s gonna be: Watch this damn thing!