Leesa Dean: Adventures of a Web Series Newbie

postChapter 51 – Post Post Post
by Leesa Dean

Really busy week. My producing partner on the REALLY BIG PROJECT and I had our first post meeting after the Victor shoot and the footage looks great! I’ve been spending the past few days working between three programs to edit, key and start the huge job of compositing.

While I wrote/directed this segment, I’m doing something kind of unusual with it–or, at least, something I’ve never done before (not that that’s ever stopped me)–so it’s not only really really complicated, I’m, kind of, figuring it out as I go along. Something I’m used to by now.

We’re having another mid-process meeting next week (so I can get a second pair of really trained eyeballs on it) and then, hopefully, in a week or so it’ll be in the can.

It’s getting exciting/scary: we’re about a month away from actually thinking about next steps! A casualty: I’ve had to put writing the new Lele Show on hold, again, for at least a week or so till I bang this out.

Meanwhile, had a meeting with Kai Alexandre. I’ve written about Kai before. He’s a really dynamic person on the startup/MMN scene. He’s been building his own network from scratch and he always has a great perspective and great feedback. This is a guy, btw, who’s FB timeline has things status updates like, “Flying out on this private jet to a breakfast meeting in Boston but back in NYC in time for a 2pm.”

I wanted to pick his brain about promoting Season Two of the Lele Show. While I’m not writing it this week, I’m still thinking about it. A lot. And while I’m a long way off from launch, I learned the hard way last year that I need to start thinking about this stuff as soon as possible.

We met at a midtown diner for coffee and caught up. He gave me some interesting food for thought–unusual suggestions and then brought me up to date about what he’s been doing. In addition to building his MMN, he’s launching a few other things plus working with Reelio, another startup.

One of the things he’s launching has to do with networking for actors, directors, agents and producers. I’m a member of NYWIFT, had been on the programming committee (so still can pitch/produce panel ideas for them) and suggested that NYWIFT might get involved. He really liked the idea so we’re getting together soon to start tossing ideas around.

More on that next week…

Author: ChilltownTV

I'm primarily a writer. Sold a few series to tv networks and production companies but never had anything get on the air. So I taught myself how to animate and completed 3 digital series, launching two. The first, Chilltown has been named one of "Five Web Series That Should Be on Your Radar" by ABCNews/Univision and a "Show to Watch" by Tubefilter. The second, Lele's Ratchet Advice Show, garnered a fanatic cult following. As a result, I now do Lele's 60 Second Wrap Up, a weekly comedic entertainment report (which I write & perform) that airs on urban radio stations Rhythm 105.9fm and the Just Wake Up Morning Show on WWRNfm.

2 thoughts on “Leesa Dean: Adventures of a Web Series Newbie”

  1. Larry B, congrats, you finally accomplished it! Just finished reading ‘TV WRITER’, and I truly can’t figure out a single word! Except for: POST COMMENT. Where oh where has it gone, my friend? The SALTZMEN and Q-M’S? Next thing I know I’ll be trading my BLACK-N-WHITE for one of those technicolor jobs. And who knows what after that? Who knows? gs

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