Hank Isaac’s TV Series Project Gets Underway

from Grays Harbor Talk

NOTE FROM LB: I’m always happy to announce Hank Isaac’s projects and awards. His latest is especially close to my heart because, hey, kids, teaching, the future of media. Great topics all. Go, Hank, go!

As of Saturday morning, March 17, six talented young writers ranging in age from ten to thirteen started learning how to write a television series and ultimately actually write that series into production.

Writing will take place from now through the Summer with filming tentatively scheduled to begin in August.

The series is about a precocious 10-year-old female Sherlock Holmes.

The head writer is Ocean Shores, Washington resident and screenwriter, Hank Isaac, who has a track record of having his films be official selections in over 100 international film festivals and awards competitions. His film projects have earned more than 50 awards with additional nominations.

Additionally, Hank’s screenplays and teleplays have been finalists in a multitude of writing competitions, with several wins. He is the only two-time finalist in the Sun Valley Film Festival’s Screenwriters Lab. Hank’s work has been seen by audiences in 87 countries, on six continents, and in nine different languages.

The series “writers room” is being hosted at an independent school in Olympia, WA, and all the writers reside in the surrounding counties.

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