by Diana Vaccareilli
This episode of Outlander entitled “The Fox’s Lair” finds Claire and Jamie returning to Scotland after the tragedies they went through in France and meeting Jamie’s Grandfather Lord Lovatt. If you haven’t viewed this episode yet be warned: this review may contain spoilers.
- The writing of the episode was good but not “oh boy, gosh wow, fantastic” as previous episodes have been. Anne Kenney writes beautiful scenes between our two leads, showing them healing after losing their child, which was quite moving to watch but lacked the dynamism present in previous episodes. One scene in particular, showing Jamie (Sam Heughan) holding his newborn niece was touching and heartbreaking at the same time.
- Clive Russell was fantastic as Jamie’s devious Grandfather. I was amazed at how his performance presented the character exactly as I’d pictured him while reading the book.
- The pace of the episode was much slower than that of past episodes, seeming to be mostly a set-up episode for the rest of the season.
Get on the Outlander band wagon and watch and see for yourself.
Happy TV Watching!
Diana Vaccarelli is the TVWriter™ Critic-at-Large and, in case you haven’t noticed, a HUGE Outlander fan. Learn more about her HERE