Amazon’s eBook Return Policy has Authors Fuming

The headline above reads like clickbait, but it’s not an exaggeration. Authors are banding together to remind readers – and Amazon – that, in the words of author Lisa Kessler, “Amazon is NOT a library. When you read and return a book it COSTS the author….”

Read on…for free.

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Albert Camus on How to Be Cool

NOTE FROM LB: When I was introduced to the concept of “cool,” back in Junior High, it came in two flavors.

There was Elvis Presley cool. And there was James Dean cool. All it took for me was one look at young Mr. Dean in Rebel Without A Cause, and I knew that was my future. It had to be. read article

Cartoon: ‘Vicious Cycle’

LB’S NOTE: It’s been quite a while since I’ve featured TVWriter™’s  favorite cartoonist-philosopher, Grant Snider in this section of the site, but I was so overwhelmed when I saw the following that I just have to share it.

Yeah, I can’t help it. I find it impossible not to be thrilled when I see great work that expresses my personal POV, especially when it’s by someone I admire as much as I do Grant.

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Old Age…

by Anonymous Aging Writer

Old Age is when you discover that all your life you’ve been bound by constraints that don’t really exist.

And no, it’s never too late to let yourself live!

Another Day in the Writing Life

(NOTE FROM LB: What’s that you say? You thought that we writers were actually, erm, writing all night? Oh, you poor darlings….)

I know. Drabble isn’t about writing per se, but we at TVWriter™ sure as hell relate to this daily strip from last Saturday! read article