Entry 2 – From Ambition to Film School… to the U.S. Army?
by Daymond C. Roman
(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Story So Far starts HERE)
So, we finally realized that ambition can only go so far; we needed a film school. And after researching all the schools that were accessible to us we decided to go to The Academy of the Arts in San Francisco. I was sold when they said they had everything at their facility to make Jurassic Park! Only, there was no way that me or Aaron could afford it. And neither of us qualified for financial aid, each of our families made a little more than what would qualify. Again, like our last blog states, we just missed the cut.
But like I said, we really aspired to create our stories and had serious ambitions about making our dreams come true, which is why we made the decision to join the U.S. Army. They had a college fund that would more than pay for our tuition.
Sadly, Aaron and I did not keep in contact while we served in the military. I misplaced his home number (1996, no cell phones) and our leave dates never lined up. Also, I did little to nothing in the pursuit my show biz goals. I allowed myself to get side tracked, until screenwriting was only a notion in the back of my mind. I kept telling myself, “I’ll do it when I have time”. But, I never did. And as time went on, I met the mother of my kids and even reenlisted for another term. All the while, I was still feeling unfulfilled and continued to feel that way until I decided to write again.
After film school was a bust, and allowing life to distract me I ultimately realized the important thing I should have done all along was write. It’s like they say: writers write, all the time. So, keep writing.
Next Week: Picking up as adults where we left off as kids