Today’s second article by award winning film maker, web series maker, film professor and all-around Brilliantly Talented Young Lady Bri Castellini. Enjoy!
NYR 2019: A Reflection
by Bri Castellini
- Write 5 new projects. Partial completion. I have a lot of valid excuses for not completing this resolution, but at the end of the day: I made too many non-writing commitments this year and didn’t make writing a priority like this FIRST RESOLUTION implied I wanted to. Next year, hopefully other things will get more stable.
- Host 3 table reads. Partial completion. If you’ll remember, this was on the list because I was allegedly “stepping back a bit from producing this year,” which absolutely did not turn out to be true. I directed Better With You, I released and promoted Sam and Pat season 2, I completed post-production on and began the festival run for Buy In (my latest award-winning project, coming soon!), and I produced and edited 2 podcasts (with 1 still ongoing, which I’m editing as I write this blog). Honestly, I’m glad I did these other things, so I’m not overly upset this one didn’t go to plan.
- Post one blog and one YouTube video a month. Failure. Listen.
- Cook dinner at least twice a week. Failure. I did better than could be expected, but I also didn’t live up to this. This year was… hectic.
- Start or end my day active at least three times a week. Failure. Listen.
- Release and submit for festivals both projects I have in post. Was done as of July!
- Leave New York at least 4 times. Final tally:
- January- Los Angeles (for family)
- January: Washington DC (to see my mom)
- March- Los Angeles (for Stareable)
- March- Oregon (for Stareable/visiting)
- April- Washington DC (for Stareable)
- April- Northhampton, MA (for Stareable)
- May- Utah (to shoot Better With You)
- June- Denver (for LIU-Brooklyn)
- July- New Jersey (for the Buy In premiere)
- August- Los Angeles (for Stephens College)
- September- Los Angeles (for Seed&Spark)
- September- Utah (for the Better With You premiere)
- September-October- Colorado (to watch my mom’s house)
- November- San Diego (for my cousin’s wedding)
- December- Los Angeles (for Seed&Spark again)
- December- Colorado (for Christmas)
- Save $2k. After my financial scare and my loss of income for a few months and my dipping into my savings to pay rent… I actually ended up managing to save $2760.74! Since Quinn and I are moving across the country in early 2021 and we’d also like to take at least one vacation, this is a huge success and one sorely needed. After a year of financial panic and insecurity, it feels good to have gotten back on track, prepared for whatever 2020 has to throw at me.
- Pick my battles. Based on my wording for this resolution, I think I did this. I’m still a person with zero chill to her name, but I like to think I’ve aimed my lack of chill better than I had previously.
- Be a better adult. Partial completion. I’m still dragging my feet on enough things that I can’t in good conscience call this a complete success, but I’m definitely better off than I was in January.
- Complete: 4
- Partial completion: 3
- Failed: 3
Not bad! Especially given the absolute insanity that was this year. I mean, just look at the travel tally! 2019 was not, by any means, a good year, but it was certainly an interesting one. Here’s to accountability
Bri Castellini is an indie filmmaker and Film Community Manager for Seed&Spark, a film crowdfunding platform, as well as an adjunct professor for two MFA programs. Watch the remarkable Ms. Castellini’s award-winning web series, Brains, HERE. See Sam And Pat Are Depressed HERE. This post first appeared on Bri’s wonderfully refreshing blog.