by Team TVWriter™ Press Service
As if we didn’t already have plenty of reasons (how many ‘r’s in “brr?”) for wishing for summer, now comes the news that Duck Tales will be back on the air in “Summer, 2017.”
Based on Carl Barks’ classic Uncle Scrooge Comics of the ’50s, the original version of this show, which ran from 1987 through 1990, was itself an instant classic, and, to this TVWriter™ minion, one of the absolute best ever animated series in TV history, which is why we’re so knocked out to hear this, from Marc Buhaj, Senior VP of Programming and General Manager of Disney XD:
DuckTales has a special place in Disney’s TV animation history. It drew its inspiration from Disney Legend Carl Barks’ comic books and through its storytelling and artistic showmanship, set an enduring standard for animated entertainment that connects with both kids and adults. Our new series will bring that same energy and adventurous spirit to a new generation.
Oh, “new generation,” you are a bunch of lucky, lucky, lucky little imps. And so are the rest of us who will have a chance to see stuff like this: