Writing Jobs: “Under the Radar Mag” Looking for New Writers

…And not only are they a print mag, it looks like they’re actually going to pay. Not a lot, but still:

Under_the_Radar_Issue_53_cover_Tame_Impala_Kevin_Parker_Interview_Music_Magazine_Cover_New_writersby Christopher Roberts

Under the Radar is actively seeking experienced new writers to write for our print magazine, digital magazine for tablets/smart-phones, and our website. We’re not only looking for music writers, but are also on the hunt for writers who want to write about any of these entertainment mediums: film/DVDs, TV, comic books, and books. For example, we need more film writers based in New York City who can attend screenings and review films for us. Interested parties should please email writing samples to austin@undertheradarmag.com.

Three important points:

  • We’re only looking for experienced writers who have written for other established websites and/or print magazines.
  • Please put “Writing Samples” in the subject line of the email.
  • Please do not apply if you’re hoping to make tons and tons of money, as there simply isn’t much money in independent print journalism these days. We make a comfortable living at Under the Radar, but do it out of a passion for music and the other mediums we cover and not for big paychecks. We also don’t have any fulltime positions available right now, we’re only looking for freelancers. But our writers are very much involved in the editorial process at Under the Radar and are often consulted on big decisions about each issue.

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