Nathan Bransford, TVWriter™’s favorite publishing know-it-all, answers one of the most common questions asked by prose writers, including novices and pros. Big thanks for explaining what’s up so that even this TVWriter™ minion could grasp it!
by Nathan Bransford
There are tons of freelance book editors who can do wonders to help you improve your writing, give you crucial feedback at key junctures in your journey, and provide a final gut check before you pursue publication. I am one of those people.
I recently posted about what to expect when you work with a freelance editor, which includes what editors do and what you should look for if you decide to hire one.
But when should you hire one?
In this post I’m going to cover some key moments in your writing career where it’s a good idea to consider hiring a professional to help.
But first, let’s start with why you might not need a freelance editor.
Only hire a freelance editor if you can afford one
Hiring a freelance editor is by no means a guarantee of finding publication or successfully self-publishing, and good feedback comes in many forms. You don’t necessarily have to pay someone to edit your work.
Good editors are fairly expensive, and the ROI can be murky when every book project faces uncertain prospects….
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Need help with your book? Nathan is available for manuscript edits, query critiques, and coaching!
For my best advice, check out Nathan’s guide to writing a novel (now available in audio) and his guide to publishing a book.
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