EDITOR’S NOTE: A few words from reality show honcho to the stars, Troy DeVolld, that if you read just right – you know, a little squint here, a slight raising of the chin there – will give you hope.
Or, as LB put it: “Spiritual Xanax! Just what the medicine man ordered!”
Career Stages
by Troy DeVolld
All is magic
Anticipation (film school?)
The move / job / apt search
First gig:
Spend too much
First gig ends
Second gig:
More panic
Third gig :
Hey, this is working
The stripping of illusion
Fourth gig:
So this is the real business
Fifth gig:
The getting of the membership card
Fleeting sensation that this will last
First dry spell (90-120 days):
The fiscal bailout
Brief thought about doing another thing
The realization that nothing pays like this
Name excluded on a nomination
Gigs 6-20:
The dulling of the spirit
Listed on nomination no win
No friends outside of the business
First major car or home purchase
Marriage or pet acquisition
That one show
Despair/resignation to fate
Membership in peer group feels phony or unrewarding.
Unexpectedly awesome show
Restoration of faith in business
Decision to do some version of this forever
Realization that aw, yeah
Aw yeah
Death of ego
Simple pleasures / managed expectations
Membership in peer group is excuse to have fun at parties and meet nice people, also give back /
create opportunity for next gen
Good times
Limited recognition
More good times
Lame gig, but not internalized
Unexpected dry spell #2, but feeling great
Find a hobby or passion
Awesome gigs all in a row (or leave showbiz with no regrets)
(This space reserved)
Troy DeVolld is a Larry Brody buddy, former senior story producer of Dancing with the Stars, and all-around true master of the reality TV genre. This article originally appeared on his Reality TV blog. And while you’re thinking about him, why not buy his book, Reality TV: An Insider’s Guide to TV’s Hottest Market?