Writers and Writing are the Same Everywhere

How awesome to find this article about writing a TV series that has become the biggest international success the nation of Iceland has ever had.

Seriously. We love this article. We love the fact that writers everywhere are indeed soul brothers and sisters…and we’re kind of curious about other facets of Icelandic life too now. (But not that curious because we’re writers and that means anything real probably will never make it into our Top Ten.)

trapped in icelandby York Underwood & Art Bicnick

apped (Ófærð) is Iceland’s most internationally successful television show and RVK Studio’s first major television project, with Everest being the studio’s first major film. Trapped is a crime series about a body found in a fjörd and a town snowed in by weather. It’s harsh, bleak and utterly Icelandic, but it has pulled in audiences around the world, trapping them in its beautiful isolation. This strange murder-mystery, in a small town in a small country, takes place where the weather is as much a character as a setting. read article