Regular TVWriter™ visitors know how highly we value Kickstarter and other crowdfunding sites. (Honest, we do!) But in the interest of fairness here’s another point of view, which we would’ve Kickstarted in a minute given the chance:

More crazy, zany takes on otherwise cool websites from JelloApocalypse

How Kickstarter Will Shorten Your Life

There’s always a fly in the ointment, as the old saying that makes absolutely zero sense to anybody under the age of 40, goes. Crowdfunding, as TVWriter™ has said many times before, can be a wonderful tool…and a great thrill ride. But sometimes that ride gets so stressful that the thrill, like the late BB King, is gone:

by Marc Alan Fishman

kickstarterIn case you’ve not been reading my articles religiously – and if you’re not, why aren’t you? – you know my li’l studio has launched our second Kickstarter campaign. The first time around, in 2011, we asked for a little cash to make a cosplay suit. We succeeded. It was a small goal, and it took every day of the campaign for us to eek out the victory. On Thursday evening, we launched again, asking for a lot more money, with a much bigger goal in mind. This time, we want to take over the world.

I kid, I kid. Actually, we’re just looking to be able to fund the printing of our very first graphic novel. With almost four years of work under our belts on the eventual collection, it was time we took the leap from floppy issues sold at comic conventions to big-boy-books. read article