Tag: television review
HAWAII FIVE-0 Pulls Another Ratings Stunt

In yet another desperate attempt to make up for the fact that the show sucks, HAWAII FIVE-0’s unsung marketing geniuses once again prove that they’re better at their jobs than the writers by coming up with a truly fascinating gimmick.
They’re giving us not one, or two, or even three, but seven – count ’em seven – “unreleased” songs by Jimi Hendrix as the sound track for the January 20th episode.
As major Hendrix fans, we’re thrilled, even though:
munchman sees CHICAGO FIRE
Quick Reaction: E.R. with firemen. But my girlfriend, who hates action shows, liked it and even wants to watch it again. (I’m thinking maybe it’s the boots?
Prognosis: For Fire Dept. groupies only. (You know who you are.)
The Hudsonian Sees THE NEIGHBORS
Don’t Invite The Neighbors Over
by Josh Hudson
This ABC show originally aired on September 26, 2012 at 9:30 EST. It has since been moved to 8:30 EST, in between “The Middle” and “Modern Family”. Pretty sure that’s not going to matter.
It’s only fair that one would go to a Disney-owned company for news about athletes. I mean, ESPN is the worldwide leader in sports. The last place I’d look is a gated community in New Jersey, which is the basis of ABC’s new Wednesday night comedy, The Neighbors. Allow me to explain this atrocity.
The Hudsonian Sees THE MINDY PROJECT
The Mindy Project Is Exactly That…A Project
by Josh Hudson