The posts visitors viewed most on TVWriter™ during the past week were:
How a Writing Contest Launched the Career of EXTANT’s Creator
The posts visitors viewed most on TVWriter™ during the past week were:
How a Writing Contest Launched the Career of EXTANT’s Creator
The posts visitors viewed most on TVWriter™ during the past week were:
As writers we create stories and with those stores are people, places and things. Simple, right?
We get wrapped up in the story, where it’s going, it’s moral (if there is one), how you’re going to wrap it up, where it’s going to be set, but do we really give enough attention to the characters abilities?
In order to make our created people (our characters) as interesting as it’s within our abilities to do so there are lots of times when giving him or her some special ability, skill or talent that makes him or her a real stand-out. That could well be anything from being a vampire (I think the skills and abilities are apparent though it would be cool, if you, as the writer came up with a whole new take and list of skills and abilities) to a person with amazing IT abilities (remember 1995’s The Net with Sandra Bullock), to someone like the hero in TV’s new Forever (do I need to say he can’t die?) to a book like Ender’s Game in which a child has incredible war tactic abilities.