Larry Brody’s Poetry: ‘A Father-Daughter Chat’


All in all, I think I’ve gotten pretty good at the writer thing, although there’s still a long way for me to go. What I’m really hoping, though, is that someday I’ll get the hang of this being-a-parent business. read article

Larry Brody’s Poetry: I Dreamed I was the Messiah

Did you know Confucius was this cool looking?


Unlikely as it always has felt to me, I’ve spent a significant amount of time working with people in China. Teaching, mostly, and even being called “Maestro” by important men and women who have been my students there.

This strikes me as pretty damned mystifying, but there it is. Delusions of grandeur, do you think? So do I. But here’s one of the results of such a delusion: read article

Larry Brody’s Poetry: ‘The Scientific Method’

Ah, the wonders of quantum mechanics! Gotta love entanglement theory, amiright?


Recently someone asked me about my wife. He wanted to know “what kind of person” she was. For me, being a writer means – among other things – always trying to use the fewest possible words, so my reply was brief. “Her hobby is quantum  mechanics.” Which immediately brought to mind this related contemplation:

The Scientific Method
by Larry Brody

“The observation of a phenomenon read article

Larry Brody’s Poetry: ‘I Have Gone To The Mountain’

Found on the interwebs but I think I’ve lived it as well.

 by Larry Brody


A couple of weeks ago I posted about Nietzsche’s immortal character Zarathustra “gone to the mountain” in my uncle’s ’50s Oldsmobile. Today I’m going to close my eyes and reveal my own climb, in which no vintage car plays a part. I’m nervous about how personal what I’m revealing here is so, please be, you know, gentle…

I Have Gone To The Mountain

I have gone to the mountain, pursuing my dream. read article

Larry Brody’s Poetry: ‘We All Aspire To Be Assholes’

Not really an asshole, but he does work in showbiz.

 by Larry Brody


Once again, I feel that I must remind you. Every word in these poems is true, one way or another, and these poems all are part of a search – not necessarily successful, I admit – for a larger truth. The event described in this one shook me to the core when it happened. Now it just seems like, “Oh. Yeah. Right.” Oh those crazy, zany aspirations!

We All Aspire To Be Assholes

“We all aspire to be assholes,” read article