EDITOR’S NOTE: Here it is. The fourth chapter in Laura’s series on the making of her very, very, very popular – over 3 million views – interweb series hit The Vamps Next Door.
Uh-oh, We’re ThisClose to Showtime!
by Laura Conway
After finding a director, it’s time to cast performers. I’m in the LA area and for posting a casting call I like to use either Breakdown Express or LA Casting. I don’t post the same casting on both. I did that once and it was a nightmare to organize.
I rent a theater with a stage to conduct auditions. This gives my low budget project a sense of professionalism. Phil and I once did a Vamps Next Door audition in a park and we looked like pervy stalkers. More him than me, but still… I hire an actor to be at the auditions to read lines with the performers. Some producers film auditions, but I only do that if a decision maker can’t attend. Otherwise, it’s just extra work.