Why we can’t haz nice things:
by Ernesto
Unreleased episodes of several high-profile TV-shows including American Gods, The 100, Bless This Mess, and Knightfall have leaked online. The leaks appear to come from promotional screeners, some of which carry revealing watermarks. The pirate releases are sponsored by a Russian gambling site.
Roughly a decade ago, new episodes of TV-series regularly found their way onto the Internet, before appearing on TV.
These leaks were often linked to promotional screeners, which are generally sent out to reviewers and critics at the start of a new season.
In recent years these TV-screener leaks have become rarer, but a series of pirated releases that have appeared over the past several days is one of the largest breaches ever. While the source is unconfirmed, all signs suggest that a serious security hole has been exploited.
It all started when a new episode of The CW’s hit series “The 100” leaked online, weeks before the sixth season officially premieres. Soon after, a pattern started to emerge when three unreleased episodes of “American Gods” came out too.
The leaked American Gods episodes show the typical hallmarks of a promotional screener.
There is a clearly visible “For Screening Purposes Only” message popping up, for example, and the name “Jessica Silvester” is visible as a permanent watermark throughout the episodes….