by Peggy Bechko
Ever wonder what a writer’s life is like? Think it’s cool lunches, easy hours, write in your PJ’s time? Work when you want, lounge when you want? Wait for inspiration to strike? Yeah, well, maybe for some rare creatures out there, though I doubt even that.
But, despite deadlines (self-imposed and otherwise), deadly story lines that won’t work out and a host of other problems peculiar only to writers, it’s a great life for me. And when the budget allows I do treat myself well. That, along with a wonderful partner who’s income is admittedly the bigger share we were able to head out to DisneyWorld for a fun week.
The appeal of roller coasters and great food (not at the same time), amazing flowers and more great food (at the same time), whirling teacups and great food (not at the same time) combined with boat rides and hanging out at the pool in beautiful sunny weather was just too much to pass up. I disconnected from my computer and electronics entirely and since I don’t have a smart phone, couldn’t even use that to hit the web or send emails. I took along my Kindle for reading and walked miles each day.
Ah, bliss. No outside connections to worry about. No looming deadline (because I ran myself silly before I went to get things in order). No colleague asking me if I can read and evaluate another writer’s novel. No editing waiting for me on my desk. The week went by far too quickly.
And then we were home. Time to plug back in. How much could have happened in a week? Well, there is that email requesting a read and eval of a novel. Then there is the meeting I need to have with a person I’m partnering with on a new graphic novel project, the romance novel more than three-quarters done that I keep getting side-tracked from finishing and lots of tweets, facebook posts and emails to catch up on along with promotion projects for my books like Stormrider, Cloud Dancer, Hawke’s Indians, The Guardian and others. Did I mention Pinterest? Yes, all of that for both business and pleasure.
There’s a lot more these days to being a writer than sitting in front of a keyboard and watching the words travel across the screen like ants. Some of the promotional stuff can be hired out if budget allows, but a lot more falls on the writer than ever before. With writing and indie publishing and everything that goes with it there’s rarely a spare minute in my day.
But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Peggy Bechko is a Contributing Editor to TVWriter™. Learn more about her HERE. And don’t forget to read more of Peggy’s posts on her sensational blog.