Leesa Dean: Adventures of a Web Series Newbie #92

Baby Steps
by Leesa Dean

baby-steps-arrow1I’m deep into the promo prep phase of the new series.  And what that involves is brainstorming, writing promo bits, writing the trailer and figuring out a social media strategy.

I want to approach this show differently than I did Chilltown, which I essentially just launched without much forethought.  Put out a trailer. Put out a few sneak peaks of the show.  But I was learning while I was in the middle now.

Now, hypothetically at least, I’ve learned a few things so I’m trying to do this with some structure. It’s hard to tell when things literally change constantly and unpredictably all the time.  The main thing is: how to stick out in a wildly glutted market?  When you don’t really have a budget to pay a real publicist. It’s tough.  And it takes time.

It’s also tough when your cast and crew is one person (me). When you have a ton of people involved, they all promote.

So I’m taking baby steps.  Meeting in a few days with Stacy (we had to reschedule because there was a big snow storm here) and hopefully we’ll cobble together a plan.

Meanwhile, I have a new late night activity:  Starting to experiment with Season Two concepts and…starting to work on a new script for a brand new project.  It’s a dramedy.  And I’m going to have to go deeper than I have in the past.  Which is both scary and exciting.

Wish me luck.

Author: ChilltownTV

I'm primarily a writer. Sold a few series to tv networks and production companies but never had anything get on the air. So I taught myself how to animate and completed 3 digital series, launching two. The first, Chilltown has been named one of "Five Web Series That Should Be on Your Radar" by ABCNews/Univision and a "Show to Watch" by Tubefilter. The second, Lele's Ratchet Advice Show, garnered a fanatic cult following. As a result, I now do Lele's 60 Second Wrap Up, a weekly comedic entertainment report (which I write & perform) that airs on urban radio stations Rhythm 105.9fm and the Just Wake Up Morning Show on WWRNfm.

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