by Larry Brody
Richard Thompson was one of the finest cartoonists to ever put ink onto a newspaper cartoon strip. The 2016 death from complications of Parkinson’s Disease of the creator of the syndicated strip Cul de Sac shocked and saddened fans and friends, including several of us at TVWriter™.
Last week, to honor the third anniversary of his way too early death, I stared re-reading the entire Cul de Sac oeuvre. I was feeling down and knew that if anything could cheer me, this would do it.
I also was thinking that with luck I might find a few strips that would apply specifically to writers and artists and content creators in general. In other words, to most of the people who visit this site.
Turns out so many Cul de Sac episodes did that little thing that I was overwhelmed and gave up clipping them shortly after I started. But I couldn’t give up reading the entire run of the strip and encourage everyone out there to feast on what Thompson has left us.
Don’t take my word for it. Check out these samples and the insight they demonstrate. There ain’t nearly enough of this kinda stuff goin’ round, you know?
And these are from just the first few weeks of the strip!
The entire fun of Cul de Sac is HERE