UPDATE FROM LB: My bout with food poisoning has become a bit scarier over the weekend, although I’m sure I can still make a joke or two about it…if forced.
Bottom Line: I’m putting TVWriter™ on hold this week, and we’ll see what happens after that.
Bottomer Line: Welcoming any and all good thoughts.
by Larry Brody
…So I’d hoped to be able to spend my sick time relaxing and writing a few articles for the coming week of TVWriter™.
But lo and behold!, turns out that, at least in my geographical area, Google is having its own upset and I can’t access most of my online notes and first drafts.
Did the AI s at Chrome, Google News, and Google Keep eat the same messed up hard-boiled eggs that I did yesterday?
I thought billionaires would have better tasters.
#tvwriting #screenwriting #writingtips #writerslife