Indie Video & Film: ‘Division’

by TVWriter™ Press Service

DIVISION is a short film about a young, interracial couple who find themselves in a long-distance relationship… even though they live in the same city.  In the sprawling city of Chicago, Michael and Camilla’s connection is tested by everything from Cubs traffic and Uber driver road rage, to OCD and work-life balance issues.

Cara Winter & George Ellzey Jr. are the co-Writers, Directors & Producers of DIVISION, working in collaboration with Director of Photography Leonardo Fallucca, and Alex Molnar, Associate Producer. As a team of Chicago-based filmmakers, they share an interest in telling compelling, authentic stories, with an eye towards inclusion and diversity.

Cara Winter  is a writer, director, and producer, and, back in the day, she was a frequent contributor to TVWriter™.  As a screenwriter, Cara’s original TV pilot, Evolution, won 1st Prize in the 2015 People’s Pilot, and is now represented by the LA-based management firm Bohemia Group.  Cara was also named one of ISA’s Top 100 Emerging Screenwriters of 2017.

George Ellzey, Jr. is an actor, writer and producer. Credits include Wait, I’m a Racist? (Rogue Shark Pictures), Off the Rails (Artigianale Films), the critically acclaimed Hellcab at The Den Theater, and producing Desperate, the TV series (RGE Entertainment).

Here at TVWriter™ we think very highly of Ms. Winter and Mr. Ellzey, and our confidence in them as creators is the reason we are recommending that TVWriter™ visitors “hie themselves over” (as LB used to say) to Indiegogo to learn more about Division and contribute what you can to help this dream project come true.

NOTE from Cara Winter: In just under three weeks, thanks to donations that ranged from $5 to $1,500, we’ve raised 30% of our total budget! Plus, award-winning editor Scott Jacobs has agreed to consult on Division. And both the Parent Artists Advocacy League and Moms In Film want to partner with us! We would love for all of you to be involved too!

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